Climb the 21 turns of Alpe d’Huez … Against cancer! – 5 June 2025

Alpe d’Huzes is a Dutch initiative to collect money for the KWF, the official charity in Holland for cancer research.
All donations are given in full to the KWF. The aim is for each participant to climb (as best as he/she can) 6 times the Alpe d’Huez and its 21 bends. Each cyclist guarantees a minimum of €2500 in donations!
In Holland, the whole country (businesses, VIPs and individuals) rallies together. A lot of donations are made, rather like the Téléthon in France or Comic Relief in the UK. In 2017, the sum of 10 021 548 € was collected for cancer research. Since its creation 12 years ago, Alpe d’Huzes has raised over 151 million euros.
Alpe d’Huzes
Alpe d’Huze
Alpes Huzes